Tuesday, June 3, 2008

might vs spirit

Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit.
--Zechariah 4:6

This is one of the ideas promoted by the JCC I recently joined, primarily for the gym facilities, in fact.  It is one of those insights that is so sharp that it almost inclines me to convert to Judaism.  Of course, I could not actually do that because, for among other reasons, it would require me to recuse myself from the study of a large part of philosophy, especially moral philosophy.
We are all familiar with that dangerous expression, "might makes right."  It is a particularly dangerous expression because it is so close to the truth.  The truth, however, is that raw power -- might -- isn't what makes right, it is staying power -- spirit.  The problem is that might often looks like right, because it is able, by definition, to force people to act as if it is so.  But might is only temporary, while spirit lasts.

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